Monday 18 February 2013

London Fashion Week: Day 4.


Today was the penultimate day of London Fashion Week. It was also the day of the Christopher Kane show - which I was beyond unhappy to have missed. I attended the Pringle of Scotland presentation and to my surprise it was absolutely mesmerizing. The collection was clean cut, simple and the experimentation with textures and feathers really emphasised the designs.
      I managed to go backstage at the Osman show, where I witnessed the moody looking models having their hair and make up done. Then I was able to see the run through of the show and shortly after I came across Amanda Ware, winner of Australia's Next Top Model 2010 competition. I'm a huge fan of the show and Amanda, so it was overwhelming to have met her.
      I'm sad the week is coming to end, it's been great working with 1883 Magazine and being able to meet so many interesting people. Here is my post on the 1883 website blog:

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