Tuesday 12 March 2013


After months of sending endless emails and applying to various publications for writing positions, I am pleased to say that I am now a fashion writer for IDOL Magazine.

IDOL is one of my favourite publications, personally I feel like I can relate so much to it and it is completely on my wavelength. That is something that is very important for me when writing and contributing whatever it may be is concerned. I like to feel a connection with the vision, the aim and the inspiration that goes into the magazine. 

With IDOL, I get exactly that. It holds a strong sense of individuality, a quality that separates it from other quirky publications - an attitude almost that perceives it as a superior force. Nothing about IDOL is dated, it isn't particularly current either - but it hits the bullseye straight away. That's the beauty of it, for all the creative individuals in the world that have a vision slightly different from what we see in a modern fashion magazine, it's spot on. 

I feel privileged to be contributing and I'm beyond excited to working with the IDOL team and for everything it has to offer. I'll be posting updates about my time with the publication (and Boys By Girls!) and anything that us worth sharing here on the blog.


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