Wednesday 6 March 2013


Today I had the pleasure of being invited to the home of photographer and editor-in-chief of Boys By Girls magazine, Cecilie Harris. It was great to meet and learn a little more about her vision as a photographer and the aim she has with the Boys By Girls publication.

Harris is an extraordinary artistic woman, she perceives the male form in a natural, gentle and gracious way. There is no intention of creating anything sexual or erotic. It's all about catching the innocence, the truth, the curiosity, the beauty and the youth that lies within the male models she focuses on.

Combining fashion and portraiture, forms of art are created and without sounding too enthusiastic - Harris' work is simply quite fascinating.

Here is the exciting part - after our meeting today I will be with the publication as a fashion writer over the next couple of months. I feel privileged to be working alongside such an intriguing artist (I refer to her as an artist because I really do see her as a visionary).

I'm looking forward to having a bigger insight into Boys By Girls, there is so much more than just a publication and a variety of beautiful boys - there is true passion and an explosive vision that I think we've only just witnessed the beginning of.

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