Last night I attended the StyleNoir magazine print launch party at Movida in London with IDOL Magazine.
It was an amazing evening celebrating the first StyleNoir print issue being released. To celebrate in style; the DJ was playing sounds from the 90's, cranberry and lyche cocktails were being served (with crystal head vodka) and the crowd were truly dressed beautifully all the name of noir.
A very successful evening for StyleNoir editor James Joseph and I'm wishing him lots of luck with the future of the magazine - although something tells me he doesn't need much of it.
I'm looking forward to picking up my first issue! Check out the website here and order your first copy of StyleNoir.
(Zeyu and I representing the IDOL team showing our support to StyleNoir)
(IDOL Mag editor Rebecca Moore with StyleNoir cover stylist Suzie Street)
(The IDOL team)
(The cover the first print issue of StyleNoir)