Monday 14 January 2013

Favourite Male Covers Of 2012.

We've all started the new year and have recently said goodbye to 2012, a year that brought us all so much, especially when fashion is concerned. I was thinking today about some of my favourite fashion/style magazine covers of 2012 and I thought it would be a good idea to post about them on here. As it is a menswear fashion blog I'm going to stick to male covers, although my ultimate favourite cover of 2012 was actually a female, so I'm going to go off track a little and throw that one in. Anyway, here goes...

The first issue of Fucking Young! Magzine.
Boys By Girls Magazine.
David Beckham, the first male to be on the cover of ELLE Magazine.
Justin Bieber on the cover of V Magazine.
Andrew Garfield on the cover of i-D Magazine.
Charlotte Free on the cover of Wonderland Magazine.
I'm aware this is a female cover but it was definitely my favourite of 2012, I think Wonderland really captured her unique beauty in this cover/editorial.

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